TPG Winter Storm Preparedness

Tips to Prepare You for the Winter Storm Season

Old Man Winter can be unpredictable this time of year, so it is crucial that you and your family are well prepared for any challenges that may come with the possibility of winter storms. You never know what may come your way, and these storms often can bring heavy snowfall, freezing temperatures and icy conditions that can pose various risks to both property and personal safety. 

We offer the following tips to help you stay ahead of winter storms to protect your loved ones and property: 

  1. Emergency Kit: create a comprehensive kit that includes essentials such as non-perishable food, water, medications, blankets, flashlights, batteries and a first aid kit. Make sure everyone in your home knows how to access the kit. 
  1. Winterize Your Home: Insulate windows, doors and pipes, check your roof and make any repairs to help you mitigate risks from any winter storm. Consider installing weather stripping and door sweeps to keep the cold air out. 
  1. Review Your Insurance Coverage: Check your policies, including your homeowners and auto, to make sure they provide adequate coverage for potential winter-related damage. Review the details like deductibles and coverage limits. 
  1. Trim Trees and Secure Outdoor Items: Heavy snow and ice can lead to falling branches or property damage. Trim trees and bushes near your home and secure furniture and tools to prevent them from becoming projectiles during strong winds.
  1. Monitor the Weather Forecasts:  Regularly check the weather forecasts to make sure you are aware of potential storms. 
  1. Develop a Family Emergency Plan: Create a family emergency plan that includes how to communicate, how to evacuate and how to meet back up. You will want to make sure everyone in your household is aware of the plan and can execute it. This is especially important if you have children or elderly family members living in the home. 
  1. Keep Vehicles Winter Ready: It’s important to maintain your vehicles during the winter months. Check your tires, brakes and fluid levels to make sure they are sustainable in colder temperatures. Keep an emergency kit, extra clothes, blankets and nonperishable food in case you are stranded on the road during a winter weather event. Check out road conditions and travel advisories before venturing out. 
  1. Heat Source Safety: If you use alternative heating sources like space heaters or fireplaces, make sure to follow safety guidelines for using them to prevent fires or carbon monoxide exposure. Make sure your chimneys and heating systems are regularly inspected. 

Proper planning will better equip you to face the challenges of winter and help minimize any risks the winter season may bring. Contact one of our risk management consultants to review your insurance policies today.

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